General all purpose jug which measures in 500ml increments
Ideal as catcher container for spirit from larger stills
Graduated glass measure which reads in 10ml increments
Ideal for use with Spirit Hydrometer 70% (H147) and Brew (Wine & Beer) Hydrometer (H164)
For sterilising beer/wine bottles
Manufactured by Brigalow Brewing Company, Australia
A complete guide to Home Distilling - the methods, recipes and techniques
Over 100 pages with simple "How To Do It" sections giving step by step instructions on how to make any spirit with useful tables
The history of distilling both ancient and modern, and also how home distilling was developed in NZ
Written by Peter J Wheeler..
For beer and wine makers - multi scale
SG reading from 980 - 1150, sugar content and potential yield
Shows how much sugar to add to achieve 5% beers and 11% wines
Reads to minisus top - ideal for cloudy ferments
For use with the Digital Thermometer (H311)
1.5 Litre
Box of 15
Freight charge applies
A Complete Guide to Brewing Beer on a small scale
200 pages of Brewing Methods and over 100 Award winning Recipes
Written by Peter J Wheeler and Graeme J Garton
Carton of 12
250g per pottle
For all your cleaning needs - Equipment, Fermenters, Bottles and caps.
No need to rinse
For all your cleaning needs - Equipment, Fermenters, Bottles and caps.
No need to rinse
Replacement Ceramic Filter Spirits Unlimited Spirit Filter
The nylon ensures scrathc-free cleaning
The twisted wire stem with formed eye loop offers convenient use for cleaning bottles.
Insert into fermenter tap to reduce sediment flow
Ideal for storing spirit or using as catcher bottle for stills or filter system
Made in Italy
Freight charge applies