Temperature tolerant
For 25 litre brew using 6kg sugar
Fermentation time 3 - 4 days
Ingredients: Dried Active Wine Yeast, Diammonium Phosphate, Vitamins and Trace Minerals
Manufactured by Hambleton Bard UK
Todays standard best yeast, fast clean and 235gm of fermenting power for 6 - 8kg of sugar
For 25 litre brew
Fermentation time 14% 48 hours or 20% in 5 days
Ingredients : yeast, nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals
Packed at Hambleton Bard, UK
The first fast Turbo yeast developed and gives high yields
For 25 litre brew using 6kg sugar
Fermentation time approximately 24 hours
Ingredients: Yeast, Nutrients,Vitamins and trace minerals
Packed at Hambleton Bard, UK
Turbo Ultra in liquid form
Reduces odour and off flavours in ferments
Before adding yeast add contents to the wash and stir
Ingredients: Fruit Acids, Water, CONTAINS SULPATES
Add 10 ml per litre of spirit, flavoured or not and be amazed at the difference
Purifies all spirits rapidly
Ingredients: Fruit Acids, Starch
Manufactured in Auckland NZ
This kit contains:
Instructions for drying, curing and casing
Detailed methods to produce Cigars, Pipe Tobacco and Cigarette Tobacco
Humectants and Flavourings
Heat Curing Bag
Cigar Paste
Produced by Garden Road Ltd, Auckalnd NZ
Long recognised for its reliable and predictable fermentation
For 25 litre brew
Fermentation time 3 - 4 days
Ingredients - Yeast, Nutrients
Manufactured by Hambleton Bard UK
50 ml
Hickory smoke extract from Whiskey
Mellows and gives character to Whiskey
Ingredients: Hickory smoke in Propylene, Glycol
Manufactured in Auckland NZ
100 gm
A powder that reacts with odour compounds in the wash
Add 10 gm into your cleared wash 24 hours prior to distilling
For odour free distilling and purer spirit
Manufactured in Auckland NZ
The original distillers yeast from the 1990's
An updated blend with a modern yeast whish gives the reliable fermentation for 6g sugar
It accepts temperature variatiions down to 12'C (it just slows down)
Manufactured in Auckland NZ
This kit contains
1 bag sterilized seed raising mix
1 sachet of sand treated with fungicide
1 phial tobacco seed (sufficient for approx 100 plants)
Instruction sheet and growth diagram
Your first crop, from sowing to dry leaf will take 15-20 weeks
Produced By Garden Road Ltd, Auckland NZ
50 ml
Add 5 ml to 25 litres before heating
Ingredients: Poly Silicon - food grade
Packaged in Auckland NZ
Made in New Zealand
Pharmaceutical grade vegetable base sweetener
Also used in lotions and soaps
Packaged in Auckland NZ
Made in New Zealand
Pharmaceutical grade vegetable base sweetner
Also used in lotions and soaps
Packaged in Auckland NZ
Usage: Add 20ml/litre of treated spirit
Imgredients: American White Oak, Ethanol, Water
Manufactured in Auckland, NZ